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Gator-Skin 10

Gator-Skin 10

  • $89.99

Synthetic Roof Underlayment

Gator-Skin 10 is a highly engineered synthetic underlayment designed to shed water off your roof and away from your home. Its durable high strength design make it the ideal underlayment for slopped roofs.  Its patented superior double-sided non-slip surface offers better walkability than any synthetic underlayment in its class. Gator-Skin 10 lays flatter than other synthetics while providing better protection and durability.


Technical Data

Permeability ASTM E96 0.05 Perms
Water Transmission ASTM D4869 Pass
Tear ASTM D4533 MD 30 lb I CD 30 lb
Tensile ASTM D751 MD 80 lb | CD 65 lb 
Elongation ASTM D751 MD 30% | CD 30%
Nominal Thickness ASTM D1777 6 mils
Temperature Range -40 ˚F TO 240 ˚F (-40 ˚C TO 115 ˚C)

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Roll Length Roll Width Roll Weight
286' / 87 m 42" / 1.1 m 19 lb / 8.6 kg 1255 lb / 269 kg
